Friday, May 11, 2007

Daily Recap...

Today was a great day food and exercise-wise. And I can tell I'm firmly back on the fitness wagon again...I promised myself at lunch that I could go to any restaurant I wanted and eat whatever I felt like (within reason, of course), and what I ended up craving was *drumroll* soup and a sandwich. *LOL* Well, specifically I wanted a sandwich on a croissant instead of my usual whole wheat bread, and chicken noodle soup. So I picked some up from the overly-expensive cafe in our building at work, then added pickles and peaches to even it out. Yum! I am using today's activity points and a few flex points so I can have a can of caffeine-free Dr. Pepper, three Hershey's kisses, and a fudge pop for dessert. Not all at once, the fudge pop will be more of a snack a bit later.

I am wicked proud of myself as far as today's exercise goes. I did something I haven't done in AGES--Pilates. I did 2 of my Winsor Pilates workouts, modifying what I couldn't do correctly, for a total of 40 minutes. Now I am pleasantly tired, feeling good, and hella proud of myself! =) Now to remember how damned good being on track feels, and get down to goal once and for all!

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