Friday, May 11, 2007

Fitness Blog Redux...

So. I kept a fitness blog for a few years a couple years ago, wherein I chronicled my 50-pound weight loss, then gained back the weight, then gained some more, then got married and pregnant. I stopped fitness blogging not too long after getting pregnant, although I kept up with my writing livejournal. Unfortunately, I put on way too much weight during my pregnancy. Over the 16 months since my son was born, I've slowly lost 50 pounds. The first 30 came off right away, thanks to them being mostly water weight. The other 20 pounds took a lot longer, and I've lost the last 10 over the past few weeks of FINALLY buckling down with tracking my food intake and committing to regular exercise.

I'm going to mess around with this blogger account to see if I like blogging here. If not, I'll probably just make a second LJ account my fitness blog. I've found that making regular fitness posts tends to help keep me focused and on track. It's the accountability, I guess! That said, here are my (scary) stats:

Height: 5'4"
Highest pregnancy weight: 330 pounds (ouch!)
Current weight: 280 pounds (less of an ouch but still ouch!)
Initial goal: 230 pounds (first 100 pounds)
Secondary goal: 197 pounds (where I got last time I lost)
Tentative final goal: 150 pounds (depending on how I feel at that weight)

The Plan:
Food: Following Weight Watchers Online
Exercise: MUST-do: 20-30 minutes walking 5-7 times a week (treadmill or outside) Optional: Exercise videos (Tae Bo, The Firm, Pilates) as able starting out, later 2-5 times a week

Like I said, I've lost 10 pounds since I re-joined WW a few weeks ago, although I only got REALLY serious about both food and exercise the past couple of weeks. I'm feeling strong and great again, so I think I'm finally ready to get this fat OFF! I once swore I'd get it all off in my 20's, but that didn't quite happen, so now I'm pushing for my 30's. Since I just turned 30 in October, I should make it this time! ;)

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